Year 6


On Friday 1st March, Mr Malik delivered an assembly to Year 6 children to explain how the work of Head Teachers, parents and the wider community had led to a debate by MPs being held in Parliament regarding school funding. Mr Malik explained to the children how the public have been able to make this


As the chocolate eggs in shops will be an indication of, we are now in the run-up to Easter.  Today, Reverend Mark came into school to talk to the children about the religious lead up to this special time of year for Christians. Through Reverend Mark’s assembly, the children learned about Shrove Tu


In Art, Year 6 children have been learning about the Cubist art movement and how Gutav Klimt used repeating geometric patterns in his work. For their final piece, the children produced a background using collage techniques and a portrait in the Cubist style.


In English, Year 6 have been reading the novel ‘Skellig’.  In this story, one of the main characters is home-schooled. The children have thought about what it would be like to be home-schooled and had a formal debate where they had to speak either for or against the motion.


IN Dance, Year 6 have been looking at the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. They have worked in groups to create their own dramatic dances which tell a lyrical dance version of the story.


Year 6 have been studying the art work of Gustav Klimt. They thought about the use of colour and repeating patterns – particularly those with geometric shapes. they then used shapes to create their own patterns. Some children decided to be particularly creative and embed the designs in clothing in t