The children have begun working on their new text in English called ‘I am Henry Finch’. It is a picture book about the power of thought, and how you need peace and quiet to…
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This week in English, Year Two have started their new book for this half term. They received a parcel and a letter and were very excited to discover what was inside. First, they read…
This week, the children got an insight into what they would be learning about in Year 6 – Shakespeare! The children were introduced to the story of Macbeth. After hearing the story, the children…
This week Nursery enjoyed celebrating Shrove Tuesday! We were very excited that it was Pancake Day in Nursery on Tuesday this week. We learnt that Pancake Day is celebrated in February or March each…
World Book Day is an annual celebration of authors, illustrators, books and the joy of reading. It encourages children and families to find the fun and enjoyment in reading because reading for pleasure changes…
In PSHE, the boys and girls in Year 3 have started learning about the importance of clear communication. They began by discussing all of the ways in which we can communicate with each other,…
News from our classes