
At Harlow Green Community Primary School we aim to ensure that our duty of care fulfills the requirements of ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children. All children, whatever their race, gender, religion, disability, culture and class, have the right to grow up unharmed, to have the opportunity to develop fully and to have their basic needs met.

Harlow Green Community Primary School promotes the principals:

  • That the welfare of the child is paramount
  • That we have a duty to ascertain the wishes and feelings of the child, in the lights of their age and understanding
  • That we need to encourage all children to have a positive self-image, thereby increasing their level of confidence
  • That we must promote the development of the child to their full potential: intellectual, cultural, physical, social, emotional and behavioural in a non-threatening and secure environment where they feel valued and respected and they value and respect others and their property
  • That we must promote the protection of children from harm or ill treatment, including supporting a child`s development in ways which will foster self-esteem, security, confidence and independence to help ensure their own protection and understand the importance of protecting others.

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Within school there are two senior Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mr Malik and Mrs Chapman aswell as the deputy lead: Mrs Softley, School Business Manager: Mrs Taylor and Family Support Worker: Miss Mould. Their role is to lead and co-ordinate safeguarding practices within school so that it complies with legislation, but more importantly, to ensure that children and families are supported to keep them safe.

The role requires specific training which enables the individual to develop effective systems in schools which will help identify concerns and react when concerns are raised from families and agencies.

If a parent/carer has a concern about the safety of others – children and adults – it is important that this is shared with school and, in particular, the designated leads. Even if the concern turns out not to be an issue, it is always better to have raised it.

In terms of safeguarding, you cannot be criticised for intervening but you can be at fault for doing nothing.

All safeguarding policies can be found in the policies section.

Safeguarding and child protection policy 2022-2023 DRAFT (Policy to be agreed at Governors meeting in December 2023)