This week in our Forest School we have been learning about predators and how they hunt. Linking to last weeks lesson about kestrals, the children played a game where they were the prey. Miss Rowe was the kestral on the hunt. The mice have to creep and forage in the woods, trying to stay out of sigh
This half term, the boys and girls have been busy in their art lessons. They began by looking at colour mixing to create a colour wheel which included the primary, secondary and tertiary colours. They then moved on to changing the tint and shade of primary colours by adding white to make the colour
As part of the lead up to the Big School Birdwatch we have been learning about British birds of prey. Understanding how they hunt and what they prey on helps the children to understand these birds. In class we looked at the different types of birds and then what kind of animals they prey on. Underst
Bubble Trouble by Margaret Mahy and Polly Dunbar is the book we have been enjoying with the residents at Angel Court. Working with creative story teller Elizabeth, the children and residents have been adding to the story using themselves as additional characters. Trying to rhyme with names can be
This term, in Computing, Year Two have been learning how to make music using a computer. First, the children learnt about the work of Gustav Holst, who composed music about the different planets of the solar system. The boys and girls listened carefully to the different pieces of music and identifie
Today the Rights Respecting Officers from each year group met with two members of the catering team from Gateshead Council. Today the Rights Officers has the opportunity to meet with Susan and Andrea from Gateshead Council. They are part of the catering team who develop meals for all schools withi
In their weekly French lessons, Year 4A have been learning how to say and write rooms within a home. This week, the children have been learning how to say the different types of rooms you would find in a house in French. They started the lesson by thinking of the different rooms they had in their
After the children played some bird identification games, where they had to find birds from name only rather than images, the children were encouraged to build some Mega-nests. First as a whole class, then in teams. They could only use fir trees and they had to make sure all team mates were off the
This week in Nursery we started our new topic for the Spring term, Rhyme Time. We will be covering lots of mini topics which have a link to nursery rhymes. This week we learned all about birds and have started to take part in the RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch. We started the week talking about differen
The school choir were delighted to be able to go and perform again this year for the congregation at St Ninians Church. The choir sang a selection of traditional carols and some more upbeat Christmas hits. We invited our friends from Angel Court and Craigielee Care homes to come and join in the fest