Year 6


This half term, Year Six have been studying the Circulatory System as part of their Science unit of work. The children have learned about how blood travels around the body in order to transport Oxygen to keep us alive. They have studied the different blood vessels and written the journey of a red bl


As part of the topic, ‘How Precious Life is..’ the Year 6 children have been learning about the history of coal and how important it was to the local area. To begin with, the children learnt about the significance of the coal mines in the North East. They considered what coal was used for as wel


Encouraging children to read and seeing them become fluent readers, is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher. The world that opens up when you can read – for enjoyment, pleasure, or to find information for a purpose – is one with endless possibilities. IN school, we use Reading Plus a


In order to celebrate World Religion Day, Year Six joined the rest of the school in learning about the religion of Sikhi. This morning, each class attended a Bhangra dance workshop in the hall and enjoyed dressing up and learning routines which included hand movements, leg movements and even spins!


Today, as usual on a Friday, the children in Year 6 have worked incredibly hard on a practice arithmetic test. The lesson began with the children practising written subtraction with decimals and short and long division. Over the course of the lesson, the children completed written methods with all f


It has taken many months of planning, but this week our first ever steel pan band rehearsal took place over at Gateshead Music Hub with our tutor – Rob Kitchen. A group of children from Year 6 took part and enjoyed learning about the steel pans, the acoustics and starting to play to a beat!  It mat