Sports Provision

At Harlow Green, our vision is that children will not only develop academically but will develop physically and emotionally so that they are able to lead long, successful and healthy lives.  An essential aspect of this is to develop a love of sport and physical activity.

Within the school day, through PE sessions, break/lunch times and extra-curricular activity, we aim to have children be regularly active and improve their understanding of healthy lifestyles.  All children within KS1 and KS2 have two sessions of PE/Physical activity per week where they will be introduced to games, gymnastics, dance, swimming (Y5) and outdoor pursuits.  A great many children in our school find that sport is a particular passion and we have various teams which compete in local competitions.

Schools are now in receipt of specific funding for improvement in sports and health provision – Sports Premium – which the government aims for schools to use to develop practice and have a positive impact upon children’s health.

For the year 2022-2023, the school has received £19,330 Sports Premium.

Below is our school’s Sports Premium Plan as well as a link to the National Guidance for Sports Premium.

Sports Premium Reporting Harlow Green 2022-2023 Review

Sports Premium Reporting Harlow Green 2021-2022 Review

Sports Premium Reporting Harlow Green 2020-2021

An AMAZING year of sport!
An AMAZING year of sport!
Today we celebrated an incredibly successful year of sport in an assembly with Years 4, 5 and 6.  Mr McMann has steered clubs, teams and events across the year to deliver an incredible year...
Sports day
Sports day
Reception had a spectacular Sports Day today. The boys and girls have loved taking part in the different events from sprinting, an egg and spoon race to a space hopper race. Thankfully, the sky...
Little Movers Visit Nursery
Little Movers Visit Nursery
Today Nursery had a visit from Little Movers! Donna came to teach us lots of songs with a focus on listening. We also learnt how to work as a team, follow instructions and how to...
Brilliant Basketball
Brilliant Basketball
This half term, the boys and girls have been learning the skills needed for a game of basketball. They started by practising how to chest pass and bounce pass and then moved on to...