Year 3


The biggest win of the day was against the weather, with Harlow Green coming out as champions!  After the problems of the previous day, we were basked in warm sunshine which allowed the children, from across KS1 and KS2, the opportunity to take part in a wider variety of sports events.  Thanks to


In our Art topic this term, the children in Year 3 have been learning about the artist Julia Lidell. She is a textile artist who produces woven designs. They commented on her designs and identified how her work made them feel. In order to replicate her artistic style, the boys and girls designed a f


This week the children have been learning about days and months of the year, as well as hours and minutes in a day. They first demonstrated their ability to order the months of the year correctly before moving on to finding out how many days are in each month, using the knuckle trick. By the end of


In History this term, the children have been learning about castles. They have identified the features of a castle and identified how castles have changed over time. They have also used the map skills they developed in our geography lessons, to locate castles around the UK. As part of our learning,