Personal & Social Education


Nursery had a very busy morning, in class we looked at plants that may be a bit “risky”. Thistles, nettles, brambles etc. Miss Rowe showed the children which insects only live on these plants and why it’s so important we allow areas for these habitats to thrive. We watched a short film about all the


Year 5 and 6 were lucky enough to be visited by the local MP for Gateshead Ian Mearns on Friday. He has been the MP for Gateshead for the past 13 years and has served as a local Councillor for the Saltwell area for over 40 years. Ian shared with the children some of the work that he had done around


This week in PSHE, we have explored the way of communicating. We started by looking at the different ways people have communicated throughout history and how this has changed to the modern day. Then, we explored the terms ‘secret’ and ‘confidential’ thinking about what they mean and where we have he


On Friday, pupils had fun whilst raising money for Comic Relief.  During assembly, the children learnt that Comic Relief is a charity event  that raises money to support incredible projects and organisations who are making a difference for people across the UK and around the world.  At Harlow Gre