

The Leavers’ Show is an event that the children look forward to all year – and they certainly didn’t disappoint! As I’m sure you will all agree the children were absolutely amazing in their show. They are such a talented group and this was evident in the singing, dancing, acting, poetry reading, jok


Year One were so excited to be introduced to their new text in English. As it is set in the Kalahari Desert in Africa, firstly everyone went on an animal safari.  The children made safari name badges and then we all took our pretend binoculars and clipboard outside to see which animals we could spo


This week the children were introduced to their final English read of Year 5!  On Monday, the children were asked to draw, write and annotate ideas when they saw the word ‘island’ displayed on the board. We had some interesting ideas, with drawings of palm trees, coconuts and the sea. The children


This week, in English, Year Two have started to read their new text – One Day on Our Blue Planet: In the Ocean.  For their book launch, the children were told that they were going to create a piece of artwork linked to their new text. However, at this point, the children didn’t know what their new


Today, the children learnt about the figurative language technique of personification.  Next week, the children in Year 5 will be writing a setting description based on the book Oranges in No Man’s Land. The children have worked hard so far to create descriptive sentences in their sentence stacker


Everyone in Year One has been thoroughly enjoying our new text ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’.  In the story Mrs Grinling packs a delicious lunch for Mr Grinling every day and sends it down the wire to the lighthouse on the rocks. But one Monday something terrible happened. Mr Grinling’s lunch is


Before the Easter holidays, during the author visit, we were introduced to the story of Macbeth when Chris Connaughton acted out the whole play single-handedly. The children enjoyed the performance and got an insight into the story . Over the last two weeks, we have looked at the opening scenes wher