In one of our Maths lessons this week, we set the children a challenge. The children had to investigate different combinations of numbers to make 10. They were given some red counters, some blue counters and some yellow counters. They used the counters to make different combinations on a tens fram
This week, the children have been posed problems in maths where they have had to find their own method to work towards a solution. Problem solving and having the resilience to keep going even when things aren’t immediately obvious are extremely difficult skills for children to develop. In maths, oft
Throughout the term, Year 3 have been exploring the 3 times tables, looking at multiplication and division in many different ways. This week the boys and girls played 3 times table games, helping them to gain further confidence in the area and to consolidate their understanding. While playing the ga
Maths games form a key part of our curriculum in Mathematics and over the last couple of weeks, the children have enjoyed taking part in a number of games based tasks involving their number skills. This term we have looked at systems in patterns – sorting, ordering, arranging and predicting using pa
Our Fun Day at the Post Office! This week has been so exciting in our reception class! We read The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, and it was so much fun to see all the different characters he delivered letters to. Inspired by the story, we decided to set up our very own role-play post o
In one of our Maths lessons this week, we set the children a challenge. They had to investigate different combinations of numbers to make an exact total. The boys and girls were presented with a question: ‘Which skittles must they knock down to make 5 and then 6?’ The children used doubl
In Maths this week, year 4 have been adding 4 digit numbers using the column method. To understand the process behind adding digits that cross the 10s boundry, they first used place value charts and counters. This allowed them to physically exchange counters and move them into a different column. Th
This week in Reception, we have been honing our counting skills by practising counting with dice. The children focused on recognising numbers quickly by observing the patterns of dots and identifying small amounts without the need for counting. A particular highlight of our week was playing Teddy Be
Fire lighting can be a tricky affair, add in the rain and the wind and the task can get really challenging. The Year 4 children watched as Miss Rowe battled the elements to get the campfire lit. A little bit of help, in the form of a well placed ball of cotton wool, meant that eventually the tinder
All of the teachers have been impressed with the fact recall in Year One. Following on from learning about one more last week, this week we have focused our learning on one less. The week started with some counting backwards. We are learning to count backwards starting from any number under 10. Why