

Reception have enjoyed the winter weather this week. We have taken advantage of the cold weather by exploring the outdoor area. We did a winter walk around the school grounds, into the forest area, across the frosty grass and over to the pond. The children were astonished to find that the pond was c


This term in our Forest School we will be taking part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. All classes will be involved in this in some way. This week we revisited how we identify birds. Below you can see some of the Year 2 children playing a bird identification game, this helps with their observation


This week in Reception, the children have performed ‘The Big, Big Nativity’ show to their grown ups. The nativity explores the birth of Jesus and why some people celebrate Christmas. We had the familiar characters such as, Mary, Joseph, donkey, wisemen, camels and shepherds. The children sang songs


We had such an exciting day in our Early Years Reception class! The fantastic Brush Up team from Northumbria University came to visit us, and they were all trainee dentists. They taught us all about why brushing our teeth is super important, what healthy eating looks like, and why we should visit th