Head Teacher’s End of Summer Term Message

The academic year is drawing to a close once again, and I am sure everyone is looking forward to a chance to relax and recharge this summer.  It has been a very busy year for Harlow Green, with a wide range of successes having been experienced across our community, which we should all be proud of.

We are all still very aware that the pandemic has impacted upon our children academically and personally.  As a consequence, governors have continued to support school leadership to invest in additional support in all year groups.  We have appointed additional teachers and teaching assistants who have worked with groups and individuals, not only in core subjects, but in relation to personal and emotional development.  With some additional government funding, we have continued to provide extra tuition outside of the classroom for some of our Year 5 children, doing so in a manner which makes it as accessible as possible.  Each year group is unique and requires different approaches to meet their needs; however, we have been resolute that the support we provide does not narrow the curriculum we offer our children.  To raise standards, we have not attempted to increase the amount of English and mathematics teaching, which could be very demotivating, as we have been determined that all children will be taught the full range of curriculum subjects, as well as the additionality of Forest School.  What we have done is work hard to adapt teaching and interventions, with the full staff team doing all they can to enhance what we deliver.

In addition to lessons, staff have been passionate about providing wider experiences, both in school and beyond, to engage and enthuse children so that they enjoy their time in school.  Over the year, we have increased our programme of visits and visitors that enhance the curriculum.  Children have had some highly enjoyable experiences which have delighted and engaged in equal measure.  We will look to expand this further over the coming year, whilst being conscious of the increase in costs for schools and for families.  Schools are in a position where we can provide high quality challenging experiences which children will not only learn from but will remember for the rest of their lives, which is important to us all.

It has been pleasing to see the Year 6 SATs results this year, which have been the highest the school has achieved for a considerable time; the outcomes are above the national averages in all subjects.  As a staff, we are proud that this has been achieved whilst keeping to our values of a broad and balanced curriculum and with a focus on children being confident to meet this challenge.

As most parents/carers will understand, Mr McMann has been instrumental in supporting our sports clubs and events, which have been accessed by the majority of our children.  Supporting health and enjoyment is a key component of our provision, and the sheer volume of activity supported by Mr McMann is outstanding.  Children across school love these opportunities and understand how it benefits them in many ways.  Other types of clubs have been scheduled this year, with teachers providing their time at the end of the school day to ensure that further experiences are offered, understanding what this means for our young children.

It has been wonderful to have successfully scheduled a range of community events over the year where we have been able to invite families to be involved in their children’s school life.  Whether it is has been the Christmas performances, workshops, the summer fayre, sports days, or the Year 6 leavers events, staff have worked extremely hard to plan and organise these in order to provide the best experiences possible, which will live in the memory for a long time.

Of course, we underwent a full Ofsted inspection in the spring term.  This went well and led to a highly positive report.  However, although it was good that inspectors saw the everyday work that staff do and how fantastic our children are, what was most pleasing was the response from parents/carers on their survey.  This positive outlook, from the vast majority of families, has been provided again via our own recent survey with high degrees of satisfaction being shared.   The comments provided have shown that the work that goes on behind the scenes is understood and appreciated – this matters far more than an inspection every four or five years, and provides a great sense of pride to us all.

We would never claim that we get everything right all the time.  We are aware when things have not worked as we would have wanted but, when this is the case, we are quick to reflect with an aim of making it right.  As the Head Teacher who knows what my staff and I commit to this community, in ways which will not always be visible, I know that we aim to do all we can and to improve year-on-year.  We are constantly reviewing our practice with an aim of creating the best environment for all our children, regardless of needs or context – we will continue to be relentless with this.

As always, we will have staff changes next year.  We will be sad to see staff leave, who have dedicated themselves to Harlow Green, but we will be excited to see new staff arrive who are enthusiastic about the impact they can have on our community.  This will include a new role of Family Support Worker, as we dedicate further resources to supporting children and families across our community to attend school and thrive within our local community.

On behalf of governors, staff and myself, I would like to thank families for all their support across the year.  As I have recently emphasised with the parents/carers of our new Reception children, success for our young ones can only be at its best when there is a strong partnership with home.  We greatly appreciate the adults bringing children to school every day and on time, providing positivity to children about school and the challenges they face, and the input into activities and events.  Harlow Green is a strong community, demonstrated again this year, which is why we are lucky to work in this school on behalf of such amazing children.

The staff team and I would like to wish everyone an enjoyable, safe, and well-deserved summer break, and we all look forward to the autumn term where we can continue to grow happy, healthy and successful, together.

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