Year 3


In Year 3, the boys and girls have been learning about giving consent online. They started by playing games about giving permission online and answered questions about how different scenarios made them feel. They finished by designing their own avatar on Mathletics.


This week has seen the start of our RSPB Big School Birdwatch which has been carried out across four year groups. We have spent time over the last few weeks learning how to be quiet, patient and observant, using all our senses, through Hide and Seek games. We looked at aerial view maps of our site b


The boys and girls in Year 3 have been investigating mixing colours. They began by mixing two primary colours together to create secondary colours and then explored what happens when you mix a combination of these together to create tertiary colours. The children had great fun making their own colou


In Year 3, the boys and girls have been learning how to divide with remainders. The children used lollipop sticks to group into threes and fours and look for any left over. They worked together to solve a range of divisions and recorded their calculations on whiteboards.


The boys and girls in Year 3 have been pretending to be the stone age boy. They each wore a blindfold and entered a dark cave full of mysterious noises. The children took it in turns to tell their partner how they felt in the cave and they recorded their ideas. The children will use this to inspire


This week the children are beginning to learn how to make paint ready for cave painting. In class we discussed what kind of materials would have been used in the Stone Age, what kind of tools may be needed to release pigments and then how the paintbrushes themselves might be constructed. Outside a f


The children in Year 3 have had a special visit from Doctor Jo who taught them all about what life was like in the Stone Age. The boys and girls tried some cave painting and played a hunter, gatherer game. They looked at artefacts from the stone age period and had lots of questions for Doctor Jo. Th