Year 3


The children in Year 3 have been practising using written methods for addition and subtraction using a fortune teller. The boys and girls raced their partner to find the answer then checked if their answer was correct inside the fortune teller.


In Years 3 and 4 the boys and girls have been enjoying using the Accelerated Reader system. The children have been developing a love for reading and have been making super progress as a result!  


In Year 3, the boys and girls have been learning to write cinquain poems. The children analysed the features of the poem and planned their own version. The boys and girls worked in groups and used their plans to create a collaborative poem about a storm. Fantastic!  


In Year 3, the boys and girls have learned about fossilisation and explored the process through making their own fossils. The children used clay and plaster of paris so although they didn’t have to wait millions of years, a full week felt like an eternity.


In Year 3, the boys and girls have been working creatively in a group to plan their own challenging game. The children were given a choice of equipment and they had to decide on rules and strategies to make their games fair, safe and fun. The boys and girls then described their games to the rest of


In Year three, the boys and girls have been focusing on vocabulary development. They worked together to write adjectives and adverbs to describe what they could see and hear. The boys and girls enjoyed using an online thesaurus to improve their vocabulary. The children used their own word banks to w


In Year three, the children have been developing their inference skills. They watched a video of a drive through a tornado and began by asking questions to the driver of the car. The boys and girls worked together in turns to hot seat the driver and infer thoughts and feelings of those involved. &n


In Year 3, the boys and girls have been learning about how shadows change over time. The children made predictions and completed an investigation to explore what would happen to their shadows at different times of the day. The boys and girls had great fun using opaque shadow puppets to block out the