

In Topic this half term, year 4 have been learning all about Ancient Greece. This has without doubt been one of their favourite topics so far! The children began by creating a timeline of the Ancient Greek civilisation which began in 2200BC and ended in 146BC. They were able to use these dates to ca


This week in Year 3, we have been studying our local area. The children have used Google Earth to locate their homes and identify the land use around us. Using this information, the children have enjoyed creating their own sketch maps of our locality. To identify the different types of land use, the


What amazing writing we have seen in Year One this week.  The Year One children have been learning about the importance of starting every sentence with a capital letter and ending it with a full stop. Firstly we talked our sentences out loud and even added actions for a capital letter and  a full


In English this week, we have been focusing on the character of Lady Macbeth and how she persuades her husband to commit murder. We practised reading her famous soliloquy after she received the letter from Macbeth – trying to put ourselves in the role of her evil character. We then looked carefully


This week in Reception, we have been learning all about growing beanstalks and how the process of growing a plant works. We talked about the plants life cycle going from planting a seed all the way to a beanstalk with peapods. The children have enjoyed planting their own beans in the outdoor area an


Over the past two weeks, Year One has been learning about the past. The children firstly learnt what the past is and what the subject of history means. We looked at toys from long ago such as a spinning top, a teddy bear, marbles and a rocking horse. Then everyone made their own cup and ball. We eve


In Year 2 this week. we have been learning all about multiplication.  We started by doubling numbers, which was a bit tricky until we realised all of the answers are in our 2x tables!  After that, we used number lines and hundred squares to colour in our multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s. We spotted lot


This week, we have started our History work as part of our ‘Leaving a Legacy’ topic. Our focus is on the Romans and the inventions and influences that they have had on British society. We have created a timeline of key dates and figures involve in the Roman invasion and conquest and have also resear


In Gymnastics, Year 3 have been learning about body shapes. They began by learning how to make static shapes including a star, pike, straddle and tuck. This week, they moved onto shapes in the air. Children were given the opportunity to practise jumps and turns, taking off from the bench and landing