Physical Education


Yesterday afternoon, a group of our sporting superstars attended an intense dodgeball competition. It all began with two friendly games, then the competition really began! The children competed fantastically and were complimented on their fair play, listening skills and fanastic behaviour! All of th


The children in year 5 have spent this half term working on netball skills in PE. Today, we took advantage of a bright day and enjoyed an inter-class netball tournament. The children completed a range of activities including running drills and piggy in the middle. The two classes competed against ea


The children in Reception had great fun on the body boards. They were developing their gross motor skills and upper body strength. The children had to pull each other along with the hoola hoop while the other person lay flat on the body board. It was hard work but lots of fun. Article 28 – We all ha


In P.E. the Year 6 children have been learning netball skills. They have been practising their chest pass and bounce pass and learning how to pivot and use footwork when they catch the ball. this has proved a difficult skill as their natural reaction has been to run. with health being a curriculum d


To round off our term of hockey coaching in P.E.,  4A and 4B had a play off between classes with a tournament of 5 minute games with total won games and goal count going towards crowning the overall winning class. This time we awarded 4B with the champions title…let us see what happens in the nex


Year 6 parents, guardians and friends had the opportunity to visit their children in school today during their dance lesson. Health is one of the key drivers of the school’s curriculum and P.E. is an essential part of the school week. The children have been learning the Jive and the Jitterbug, dance