Design Technology


In DT, Year Two have been making bunting. To begin the children learned that bunting is a decoration made up of rows of small, colourful flags. They found out that bunting has been used to celebrate lots of significant events, past and present, including VE Day and Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubi


After the excitement of residential, both Year Six classes were lucky enough to work with staff from Gateshead Library Services, this week, to make the chariots they had made in DT interactive. The children used their coding skills on Scratch and makey makeys to create a circuit linked to their char


This week in Design Technology, the children in Year Six have been designing and making their own Roman chariots. The brief was to construct a Roman chariot that could hold 10 multi-link cubes and race along a track. First, the children researched chariots and learned that the Romans used them for w


This week we have been studying design and technology.  It all started by investigating which foods are healthy and which are unhealthy, and sorting foods into a table.  The pupils all decided that fruit was a healthy option and we used this as a basis for our design for fruit kebabs.  Everyone p


Over this half term, some Year One children have been taking part in a STEM club, specifically using Lego. Each week the children have learnt about a different STEM career, with linking attributes and putting their skills into practise. First the children found out about civil engineers and mechanic


This weeek in Reception, the children enjoyed listening to the story of ‘The Gruuffalo’ by Julia Donaldson.  The children enjoyed describing the Gruffalo and using his description to make some clay models of him.  The children descovered that the clay is much harder to manipulate than playdough bu


It was a pleasure to take Year One to Souter Lighthouse this week.  Our first activity was rock pooling on the beach.  All the children were given buckets and nets and after a long walk down to the water’s edge, everyone was excited to start looking for some sea creatures.  They were extremely


  The younger children in school have been learning about Spikes and Stings and Sticky things this term. This encompasses slightly more risky plants; stinging nettles, brambles, thistles etc. Insects that may cause harm if provoked; bees, wasps, the occasional earwig, and Stick Safety; how we move