Design Technology


This week, Year 3 have been looking forward to Christmas. Monday began with a bang – their Christmas party! The boys and girls had loads of fun playing games and showing off their dance moves. They also enjoyed watching the Northern Stage’s first ever virtual Christmas show, ‘The Emperor’s New Cloth


Over the last week, Year 6 have been doing some D.T work. They had to design and make a working Morse Code transmitter. The children could all instantly remember how to create a circuit using their knowledge from Science. However, when it came to design, we all learnt a few valuable lessons: think a


The children were so excited this week, to assemble their pop-up  Santa in Design and Technology.  Firstly, everyone looked at their designs from last week and decided if they could improve them in any way.  Next the boys and girls carefully coloured in a chimney and Santa template.  They were


This week Year One have been introduced to a new subject – design and technology.  First we investigated how toys could move .  We discovered that some toys need to be wound up – like our toy caterpillars.  The children also learnt that some toys with wheels needed to be pulled backwards first to


In Design and Technology, Year Two have started to make a fire engine. First, the children looked at lots of different fire engines from the past to the present day. We discussed what fire engines need in order to work effectively (E.g. a ladder, a hose and sirens). They then designed their fire eng


This week in Reception we have been looking at some Autumn celebrations. We have learned all about Halloween and completed lots of different Halloween activities, changed the home corner to a witches kitchen and made our own magic potions outside. We enjoyed telling our friends what we had been doin


In the summer our lovely willow hens had a revamp, and are looking splendid in their new outfits. Now our firepit has had a make over too, thanks to our talented friends at Sylvan Skills. The old willow fencing has been replaced with hazel to make a more robust screen from the elements. Our nature g