Year 6


Today was an exciting day at school as an order of books arrived for the Accelerated Reader scheme. As a school, we are committed to providing the children with the opportunity to enjoy books and to read for pleasure. In the Accelerated Reader library we have fiction and non-fiction books; books fro


Is it too early to think about Christmas? Definitely not! Dark nights = curled up reading all cosy in the house! I love the new books that come out each year at Christmas and have developed quite a collection of picture books and chapter stories that are annually read during the festive period – and


Over the last two weeks, the children in Year 6 have been undertaking Geography work linked to their World War Two topic. They used atlases to locate areas in the UK where children had been evacuated from and to, used a London Underground Map to locate German spies using compass directions and locat


Over the last few weeks, it has been lovely to hear so many children talking about the books that they are reading in school and being asked for recommendations and authors, so that they can read more at home. This week’s books actually come from recommendations from Mr Allen’s son – one that he tho


It was pleasing to see so many of the children continuing to use Reading Plus over the half-term holiday and returning to school ready to do an Accelerated Reader quiz. Regular reading practise is one of the single-most important factors in being successful in school. This week has seen the first ch