Year 6


Over the past half-term, Year 6 have been learning about circuits and conductors. We have talked about the future possibilities when it comes to having good understanding of circuits and the children have acted like electricians to spot problems in circuits and have drawn their own circuit diagrams.


Last week our year 6 cross country team took part in the Gateshead Schools’ Cross Country race. There were 44 teams who took part and our school came third which is an outstanding  achievement.  Well done to all runners who took part.  They received their medals in assembly today.   Article


Year 6A were lucky enough to be visited by Ukuma Ta’ai from Gateshead Thunder and the Tonga national rugby league teams. He gave the children the opportunity to ask questions about life as a professional sportsman and gave some good advice about sticking in and trying hard at school. Following this,


This week, the children in Year Six have been learning how to use the long division method in Maths in order to divide by larger numbers. First, they practised generating given multiples of numbers using doubling and halving skills. Then, they used a repeated subtraction process to take away multipl


This week’s ‘Book Corner’ sees two new books that come highly recommended by BookTrust. Story Soup (aged 3-6) is a wonderful and interesting story about two arguing siblings (I’m sure many of you recognise this) and how this leads to the creation of a creative story with many twists and turns. Looki


Reading Plus and Accelerated Reader are the two programmes used in KS2 to give children the access to a wide range of books and also to allow them to increase their reading fluency. The books that they bring home are extremely important as they will be quizzed upon these in school once they have com


Reading is an essential part of Harlow Green’s curriculum and fostering a life-long love of reading within the children is of fundamental importance. Sometimes, we can get bogged down as readers into reading books by the same author and we forget to look at new books that are available. In ‘Reading


In English, Year 6 have been reading the book ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo. They have explored the characters and looked at the life of evacuees – exploring how they would feel and how life would be different in the countryside compared to the city. The children have been taking part in a new