Design Technology


This week we all of the children in Year 1 have been enjoying a range of Christmas activities.  They had great fun at their Christmas party, playing traditional games such as pass the parcel, musical statues and Christmas corners.  In addition, they enjoyed eating party food and watching an online


Over the past two weeks, the children have been designing and creating their own bridge based on the design of Newcastle’s Swing Bridge.  Firstly, the children spent some time investigating the inventor of the Swing Bridge, William Armstrong and then looked at different types of bridges found acros


Over the last two weeks, in DT, the children in Year 6 have made a working Morse Code transmitter. Firstly, they had to find out what a Morse Code transmitter did. After this, they designed their product. The children remembered how to create a circuit using their knowledge from Science and applied


In DT over the last half term, we have been learning about Viking longships and the features of them that made the Vikings such successful explorers.  This links to our History topic – Vikings – and their lives, journeys and raids. The children have designed a Viking sail and then created a pulley


This week Year One have been introduced to a new subject – design and technology.  First we investigated how toys could move .  We discovered that some toys need to be wound up – like our toy caterpillars.  The children also learnt that some toys with wheels needed to be pulled backwards firs


We have had lots of spooky goings on this week in Nursery! We have been learning all about the festival of Halloween this week and have enjoyed finding out all about how we celebrate this festival on the 31st October every year. as part of our learning we all spent time designing a face to carve int


This half term, some of the Year Two children attended Lego Club. They built fantastic models, used their problem-solving skills and even took part in an investigation. First, the boys and girls created a Lego maze using the boards and bricks. To begin, the children ensured their maze had an entranc