

On Thursday and Friday the children listened to a story called ‘Sparks in the Sky’, which led to the children learning about firework safety and creating firework pictures. The children also thoroughly enjoyed making their own chocolate sparklers by dipping chocolate fingers into the icing sugar


What a Spooktacular three days we have had in Nursery! We began the celebration by listening to a story called ‘Meg and Mog’ and discussing what we already know about Halloween. Some of the children were then instantly drawn to the water area and made their own witch potions and some of the chil


This week the children have focused on oral hygiene, the job of a dentist and a dental nurse and how to keep themselves healthy. This involved the children recapping what ingredients were used to make Kipper’s birthday cake last week and identifying a range of other food and drinks and whether the


This week we have continued our topic learning under the theme “Little Bear and Me”. We started off the week by listening to a story called ‘Kipper’s Birthday’ and making, decorating and eating birthday cakes for Kipper by following a recipe. We had lots of fun wrapping presents, playing p