Year 4


In Science this half term, the children have learnt about the human digestive system. They have followed the journey of the food they eat from its beginnings in their mouth, to the very end, and everything in between! The class enjoyed a hands-on demonstration of how food travels to the stomach, how


Over this half term in Computing, Year 4 have been using the application FMSLogo to program a screen turtle to draw simple shapes and letters. We have been creating snippets of code and then will be putting them together to form longer algorithms.  Of course at first it went wrong and the turtle wo


In Topic this half term, year 4 have been learning all about Ancient Greece. This has without doubt been one of their favourite topics so far! The children began by creating a timeline of the Ancient Greek civilisation which began in 2200BC and ended in 146BC. They were able to use these dates to ca


This week, the children in Year 4 have tried their hardest to improves their fitness and athletics skills during their P.E. lessons. The children have enjoyed completing different circuits of activities that included different athletic techniques in the hall and on the school field. In particular, t


As part of Design and Technology, we have started to make our hand puppets this week and this involved first learning about some of the different types of stitches we can use.  After the first challenge of threading the needle, we began with running stitch.  We will be having a go at back stitch a


If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work by clicking on the link below. Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access.  Some activities have links which will direct you to web pages whilst other work wil