Year 3


Please find attached the home learning for Year 3 for this week. All of the boards and resources needed are provided below. If you need any help or support with this work, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher via Class Dojo and they will respond as soon as possible. Keep safe.  


If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below. Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access.  Some activities have links which will direct you to web pages whilst other work will rel


In music this term, the children have been making music using percussion instruments. The focus was to play a glockenspiel accurately and with confidence. The children began by getting to know the glockenspiel and learned to play simple rhythms using one note. They were quick to progress to playing


This week, Year 3 have been looking forward to Christmas. Monday began with a bang – their Christmas party! The boys and girls had loads of fun playing games and showing off their dance moves. They also enjoyed watching the Northern Stage’s first ever virtual Christmas show, ‘The Emperor’s New Cloth


If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below. Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access.  Some activities have links which will direct you to web pages whilst other work will rel