

The Nursery children have LOVED playing with our new outdoor resources this week now that our groundwork is nearly finished. Please enjoying looking at the photos below. Our favourites have definitely been the water shoots and basketball nets.  


The Nursery children have had a fantastic week settling back in, we have played lots of games, sang lots of Nursery Rhymes, shared lots of stories, and had lots of discussions about feelings and family. We have all enjoyed playing with our new outdoor area equipment too! Please enjoy looking at our


Nursery Rhyme Week in EYFS This week in Early Years we have been celebrating Nursery Rhyme Week, as well as looking at stories for World Book Day.  With the theme being BEASTS throughout the school, we have explored  5 animal nursery rhymes, bringing them alive. On Monday we looked at birds, learn


It has been fantastic seeing the children at school and home enjoying the well-being week activities, it all looks like you have had a lot of fun. We were lucky enough to get snow in well-being week, which has meant that the children have spent most of their time outside sledging, making snowmen, an