Nursery Rhyme Week in EYFS

Nursery Rhyme Week in EYFS

This week in Early Years we have been celebrating Nursery Rhyme Week, as well as looking at stories for World Book Day.  With the theme being BEASTS throughout the school, we have explored  5 animal nursery rhymes, bringing them alive.

On Monday we looked at birds, learning the Nursery rhyme ‘2 Little Dickie Birds’ – the children both at home and school have enjoyed making junk modelling birds and tally birds off on their chart that they have spotted outside.

On Tuesday we looked at farm animals! The Nursery rhyme we learnt was ‘Old Macdonald had a farm’ with the Makaton actions. The children have all enjoyed learning the names of the farm animal babies and making farm animal masks/puppets.

On Wednesday we went on an adventure to the pond and explored the different animals, including learning the lifecycle of a frog. The rhyme we learnt was ‘5 Speckled Frogs’ and we acted this out on a 5s frame. The children have also enjoyed making their own duck food following a maths recipe.

On Thursday the children investigated minibeasts!! At home and school we have all enjoyed looking for them underground, in mud and in the sky. The Nursery rhyme we have learnt was ‘Theres a worm at the bottom of the garden’.

On Friday the children explored jungle animals. Together we have learnt the song ‘down in the jungle’ and played ‘who am I’.

Please enjoy looking at the photographs of our favourite stories and all of our activities related to Nursery Rhyme Week from both home and school. It has been lovely to see work being shared from home but specifically seeing the fun that children had as they engaged in their Nursery rhyme week activities.

Article 13 – We all have the right to share what we learn, think and feel with others. 

Article 15 – We all have the right to have friends.

Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education. 

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