Year 5


In DT, year 5 have been learning about different types of bridges ( linked to our topic  ‘The River of Life’). The children were tasked with researching , drawing and identifying key facts about bridges before designing their own bridge.  Children then used a variety of materials and joining techn


Yesterday evening, the Harlow Green Cheerleaders performed their incredible routine in front of an adoring crowd! They shook their pom-poms, cartwheeled perfectly and worked beautifully as a team. It was a joy to watch how excited and enthusiastic the children were before and during their performanc


The children in year 5 have spent this half term working on netball skills in PE. Today, we took advantage of a bright day and enjoyed an inter-class netball tournament. The children completed a range of activities including running drills and piggy in the middle. The two classes competed against ea


In maths, the children in year 5 will be looking at area and perimeter for the next couple of weeks. To recap the children’s knowledge, they were challenged to work in groups to find the perimeters of rectangles and rectilinear shapes. Some of the shapes had missing dimensions, so the children had t