Best Nests

Despite the wild weather this week, Reception children still managed to get out into the Forest School. First they were told a traditional tale The Magpie and the Birds Nests, this inspired them to think about why birds create nests and what materials different birds use to make them. They found lots of twigs and sticks, dried seed pods and leaves, even some waxy, green leaves for a bit of waterproofing and some feathers in the hen-house for softness. Back in class they loved manipulating the clay, then poking in all sorts of interesting things into it, working the shapes round and round. You can see how proud they are of their work. Imagine how good the children will be at nest building by the time they get to Year 6!

Principle 1: Forest School is a long-term process of frequent and regular sessions in a woodland or natural environment, rather than a one-off visit. Planning, adaptation, observations and reviewing are integral elements of Forest School.

Article 19 – We all have the right to be protected and kept safe.

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