Archive 2018-19


Continuing our investigations around the shaduf mechanism, the children were taught how to create a tripod lashing. This follows their reflection on the previous session where the main problem was creating a secure and stable base for the shaduf. We discussed why the tripod is such a useful structur


We have been singing the rhyme ‘ Ten in the Bed’.  The children have been counting teddies onto the ten frames and have enjoyed doing some footprint painting and collage for our ‘ Ten in the Bed’ display.


The Nursery children enjoyed working with children from year 6 this week.  The year 6 children had planned some lovely activities including potion making and bracket making.  The Nursery children had a great time completing these activities and it was great to see our youngest and oldest  childre


The children have enjoyed sharing the chatter sacks with an adult this week.  Each sack contains a fiction and non fiction book,  vocabulary cards to discuss and a toy or game to play. Look at the children having fun with our crocodiles, football and mini beasts chatter sacks.


In Year 3 the boys and girls have been learning how to use prepositions. First they played games to practice using prepositions to describe the position of objects, before moving on to using prepositions of time. The boys and girls have since moved on to use these prepositions in their writing.


In Year 3 the children have been learning about how mirrors work as part of our science topic on light. The boys and girls have been exploring reflection and how light reacts to different surfaces. The children used mirrors to write secret messages and to help find their way along the yard without l


This term Year One are learning all about dinosaurs. This week the children made a volcano which erupted in their classroom! The children thought of lots of words to describe the volcano. Boom! Bang! Pop!


During our science work on forces we have conducted experiments on air resistance and friction. Chief scientists (the ones in white lab coats) helped us carry out fair tests and only changing one variable and keeping all the other elements of the investigation the same. We discovered that the larger


This week the Nursey children have been using the ‘magic hat’ during planning and review time.  They have been trying hard to recognise their own name card when picked out of the hat and then explaining to the group what they plan to do.