In their Forest School session this week our Nursery children created a Stick Forest on the hill at the front of school. The sparkler sticks were made with sparkly glue and bits of coloured paper and some children collected leaves that they had found to make Leaf Sticks. These were then hammered into the ground by the children using rubber mallets. They looked really pretty and the children were very pleased with it. Before we went outside we had looked at the different leaf shapes we might see, so when we went back to the nursery garden the children searched for leaf shapes then created a sticky collage on the wall. They used sticks and fingers to draw and make shapes in the sparkly glue, getting gooey can be lots of fun.
The Leadership Principle: Forest School is run by qualified Practitioners who continuously maintain and develop their professional Practice.
Article 31: We all have the right to rest, relax and play.
- Very busy hammering the sticks in.