Locating a Fire Site

The flash challenge this morning was designed to open up discussion around how to choose a safe place to set a fire. The class split themselves into groups of 2’s and 3’s, each group was given a cone. The challenge was to place the cone somewhere within the Forest School site that they felt would be appropriate place to light a fire. Once placed the whole class then visited each site and evaluated the position, thinking about risk assessment, wind direction and ground materials. Each location had its own positives and negatives that they then had to way these up in relation to any potential risk.

Once the flash challenge was completed the children then chose what they would do next. Whittling around the campfire and catching up with friends. Fire lighting and some placement art, always plenty to do. Through the combination of teaching skills and child lead play our Forest School aims to develop the physical, social, cognitive, linguistic, emotional and spiritual aspects of the children, no matter what their learning style.

Principle 4: Forest School offers learners the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.

Article 31 – We all have the right to relax and play.

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