Year 5


In partnership with Gateshead Council’s Road Safety Team, we were given the opportunity for six children to represent the school in a “Don’t Drink and Drive” World Cup campaign. The campaign was photographed beside the Angel of the North on Tuesday afternoon alongside Northumbria Police and Ty


This week in English, we have read the next story in our book ‘Beowulf and the Sea-hag’.  We have explored how Beowulf’s emotions have changed throughout the story, from defeating Grendel to going to hunt the Sea-hag (his mother). Next week, we are going write instructions to inform Beowulf how to


This week in Art, the children were introduced to the artform of ‘batik’. This process involves a design being traced onto a piece of cloth, which is then covered with wax. The piece of cloth is then dyed and the wax removed. Once removed, the cloth will reveal an intricate pattern as the dye will n


It has been a busy first few weeks back in school and it has been lovely to see the enthusiasm with which children have been engaged in reading. Over 100 new books were added to the Accelerated Reader programme and these have already been enjoyed and used by many children. More books will be added i


As the rain came down in torrents, some of our Year 5 children set up games in the Angel Court Community rooms. The residents heard the hullabaloo and came to join in the fun. It was a lovely afternoon, nice to have time to chat, Maisie sang songs from her childhood and reminisced about playing domi


Today, the children started their new unit in PSHE all about relationships. We have looked at the word ‘anonymous’ and how anonymity can be used to hide information about ourselves online. The children were given a example profile of a child similar to their own age and they had the task of highligh