Year 4


The last fortnight, has seen an excellent effort by the children in their reading in Reading Plus and Accelerated Reader. It is clear that the competition for ‘Word Read’ certificates is clearly inspiring some as we have 10 more 50,000 word readers. Even more impressively, we have our first Reading


Year 4 had a great day today completing our Geography work all about Europe, finishing off our weekly Maths quizzes and spellings and jobs in the class – all in our non-uniform and amazing Children In Need attire!  Spots, ears, badges, t-shirts, onesies, pyjamas and more….. Then we got to drench


Today was an exciting day at school as an order of books arrived for the Accelerated Reader scheme. As a school, we are committed to providing the children with the opportunity to enjoy books and to read for pleasure. In the Accelerated Reader library we have fiction and non-fiction books; books fro


Is it too early to think about Christmas? Definitely not! Dark nights = curled up reading all cosy in the house! I love the new books that come out each year at Christmas and have developed quite a collection of picture books and chapter stories that are annually read during the festive period – and


In Geography this week, we have been looking at why the world is divided into different zones. We have learnt about circles of latitude and know that the Earth is split into Northern and Southern Hemispheres. We have also looked at different climate zones; Tropical, Arctic, Temperate and Mediterrane