Year 1


The teachers have been amazed at year one’s creative writing this week. Over the term the children have been taught to write different sentences about dinosaurs. They have learnt how to use a capital letter and how to include powerful adjectives in their writing. This week year one had to put all of


This week has seen the start of our art block of work.  It all started with learning about primary colours.  Every child coloured a red, yellow and blue primary colour wheel.  The colouring was so neat!   Next the children investigated how they could print with primary colours.  They used obje


Making friends, sharing and co-operating with one another is an important part of Year One.  In PSHE the children discussed ways to be a good friend and acted out different scenarios to demonstrate what a good friend would do.  They thought of so many excellent ways to be kind to everyone.  To sh


This week’s ‘Book Corner’ sees two new books that come highly recommended by BookTrust. Story Soup (aged 3-6) is a wonderful and interesting story about two arguing siblings (I’m sure many of you recognise this) and how this leads to the creation of a creative story with many twists and turns. Looki


This week Year One had their very first whole class computing lesson.  They were so excited to use the I-pads independently.  So far this term the children have learnt about what technology is – something that has a job or is useful and is made by people.  This week they were eager to use technol


Reading is an essential part of Harlow Green’s curriculum and fostering a life-long love of reading within the children is of fundamental importance. Sometimes, we can get bogged down as readers into reading books by the same author and we forget to look at new books that are available. In ‘Reading


Year One started their history topic this week. The children learnt that we learn about dinosaurs by investigating fossils. They discovered that fossils are made over millions of years when soil and rock is compacted onto animal skeletons. They even found out about a special kind of fossil called an