The Wind and the Sun

In class Reception children listened to Aesop’s fable The Wind and the Sun. We talked about how powerful these two elements can be and how we prepare for different weather conditions. We wondered about any risks that the weather can pose and how as humans we keep ourselves safe, are there ways that we can use weather to our advantage. Then it was time to head out to the Forest School to harness the elements, what a beautiful way to enjoy the wind and the sun running wild with streamers. Can you use your streamer to work out the wind direction? Lots of fun using up all that lovely energy, with some useful learning thrown in, a fantastic morning of joy.

Principle 2: Forest School takes place in a woodland or natural wooded environment to support the development of a relationship between the learner and the natural world.

Article 6: We all have the right to be alive and to develop in the best possible way.

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