Home Learning Schedule: 08/02/2021 – Children’s Mental Well-being Week

As mentioned last week, we recognise that Home Learning can, at times, be challenging for the household and we appreciate the effort parents/carers and children are making with a second, sustained period at home.  Within this in mind, our learning schedule for the final week of half-term (see below) is going to be based around well-being and the hope is that this will give families an opportunity to reflect upon the successes they have had over the previous five weeks but also to look forward to the future.

We have used the NHS’s five pillars of well-being in order to create the weekly plan.  These are:

  • Taking Notice/Mindfulness
  • Giving to others
  • Keep Learning New Skills
  • Being active and healthy
  • Connecting to Others

Each day is split into five sections, one for each of these areas, with a theme and then some suggested activities.  These activities can be done together as a family or, if you have children of different ages, you can choose different tasks that start from the same stimulus.

We have provided suggestions at varying levels but you are welcome to create your own activities as a family too.  We don’t want you to see them as a list that has to be completed but instead a starting point to pick from and to value other types of activity that you can do together without focusing on completing ‘school work’.

We hope that the week helps to support fun and creativity whilst providing the opportunity to learn and reflect together in an enjoyable and calm way.  We very much look forward to seeing the pictures of things that you have achieved together so please send some good examples to the class teacher via the Year Group email address.

Reception and Nursery will provide their version of the schedule through Tapestry and, therefore, the schedule below is to be used by Year 1 to Year 6.  However, the two schedules are designed to be similar so that families can can involve their children in the same types of activities to make it as easy as possible to work together.

To introduce Wellbeing Week, please let your child watch the introduction video from a slightly different looking Mr Malik!


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