Amazing Acrobatics!

This term in PE, Year Two have been developing their gymnastic skills. They have explored lots of different ways to move their bodies, including jumps and rolls, as well as practising a range of balances.

First, the children explored travelling using different stepping movements. They started by learning a good standing position, with their feet together and their bodies as straight as possible. Then it was time to explore different stepping movements. They tried stepping with high knees and with straight legs. It was challenging to keep their balance when taking big steps, but the children persevered.

After that, the children learnt some key positions and balances including star, tuck, dish and arch. The boys and girls also explored ways of balancing on different parts of their body such as their hands, knees and feet. The children worked hard to ensure that they were keeping their hands and feet pointed while holding these positions. They worked in a pair to help each other to improve their balances.

Next, it was time to explore different types of rolls. The children learnt how to complete an egg roll, a log roll and a teddy bear roll. Again, they worked together with a partner to help them to perfect their technique.

Then, Year Two explored different jumps. They started by practising a two-foot to two-foot jump. They used their arms to help them to jump further and practised landing safely, with bent knees. Once they were confident with their technique, the children tried making different shapes while they were in the air. These included straight, star and tuck.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed their PE lessons this half term. We may even have some future gymnasts in the making.

Article 29: We all have the right to develop our personalities, talents and abilities.


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