
Year Two have been learning about dance in their PE lessons. They have explored how they can move their bodies in different ways, with control, to represent different characters.

First, the children learned that music is counted in beats of 8. They practised doing this in time with the music they would be dancing to – Thriller! by Michael Jackson. Next, they thought about different spooky characters and how they might move.  The children tried being zombies, witches, goblins and even ghosts!

After that, the children started to learn their dance routine. They practised both with and without the music to help them to perform their moves in time with each other. The boys and girls also learned how to perform movements in canon. This meant that the children completed their moves one after the other. They then rehearsed their dance moves together, becoming more confident as they practised.

Check out their amazing scary moves below!

Article  29: We all have the right to develop our personalities, talents and abilities


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