Growing Plants

In Science, Year Two have been learning all about plants. They started by identifying the main parts of flowering plants and trees and identifying what the different parts of a plant do. Did you know that plants make their own food in their leaves?

Next the children set up an investigation to find out what plants need to germinate and to grow into strong healthy plants. They planted some seeds and bulbs in different conditions to find out what plants need to grow. Then they made predictions about which plants would grow the best. Over several weeks the children observed their seeds and bulbs closely. They measured the plants as they grew and also recorded their observations about the colour of the plants and the number of leaves. The boys and girls then used their results to help them to reach conclusions about what plants need to grow.  The children found out that plants need warmth and water to germinate because their seeds and bulbs that did not have any water did not grow at all. They found out that seeds will germinate without light, however the plants that grew in the dark did not look healthy. The plants were white and they had yellow leaves. Some of the seeds without soil also started to grow, but the seeds and bulbs in soil were stronger and healthier.

During their plants unit the children also found out about the life cycle of a sunflower and sequenced the different stages. They found out that the flower makes new seeds which grow into new sunflowers. The children also learned about the different ways that plants can spread their seeds. They discovered that plants use lots of different techniques to help spread their seeds around, including floating in water, sticking to animals and hiding inside fruit.


Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education


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