Exploring our local area.

In geography this term, the children in Year 3 have been learning about our local area. First, they researched rural and urban areas to identify these different areas.

In order to investigate how Harlow Green has changed over time, the children studied a range of historical maps of the area. They were fascinated as they discovered how the land use has changed and they were able to identify that Harlow Green used to be mainly rural land with pit mines located nearby.

To investigate the local area now, the boys are girls went on a local walk and carried out fieldwork linked to land use. They used this information to create sketch maps of the area which identified that the area is used for residential, community, retail and recreational purposes.

The boys are girls were able to identify that Harlow Green has changed from a rural area to an urban area over time.

Article 24 – We all have the right to live in a clean and safe environment.


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