Reading Corner

With the current cold weather, there really is nothing better to do than curl up in bed or lie in front of a fire reading a book. There are so many great new releases coming out in 2023 – from well-know authors like Julia Donaldson, to new authors and books from other cultures. I hope that you will get a chance to read some of the books we recommend during the year. Please let your child’s class teacher know if there are any that you have really liked.

This week’s recommendations:

Well Done Mummy Penguin (Age 3+): It’s dinner time in the Antarctic and Mummy Penguin sets off to search for fish. Little Penguin and Daddy Penguin watch on anxiously as Mummy braves the icy waters to bring back their food. Mummy swims at speed to catch the fish, leaps back onto the icy shore and climbs a slippery slope. With each hurdle, Little Penguin cheers with pride. Well done, Mummy Penguin! But there’s one last hurdle that Mummy must conquer before she can reach her family. A group of big, sleeping seals is all that lies between her and family. Mummy will need to use her skills and – of course – be very, very quiet… A great book to share about a very determined mother!

Scared (Age 7+): Could your mum be an actual mummy? Is your dad the Incredible Hulk? Might your dentist be evil? What do you do if a tyrannosaurus comes for tea? These subjects and more are explored in this vibrant collection of funny, thoughtful and inventive poems. Spanning many varied themes such as environmental concerns, haunted houses, bullying, quiet feelings of sadness and – joyfully – pure silliness, these poems will entertain children for ages. I love a book you can just dip in and out of and this poetry book is perfect for that.

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