Reading Stars!

After the half-term holiday, it has been really pleasing to see the children returning to school talking about books they have read. The teachers were really pleased to see that many of the children continued to access Reading Plus and many were instantly ready to do their Accelerated Reader quiz, which tests children’s understanding of the text they have read. Reading has so many, wide-ranging benefits and all studies show that children who have stories read to them, and who read regularly, are more likely to be successful in their futures.

This week, lots of the classes have been working hard, but special mention must go to Year 6, who are the Reading Stars in both of the reading programmes.

Accelerated Reader: Year 6B with an average score of 90%.

Reading Plus: Year 6A with an average score of 86.6%.

It has also been brilliant to see the first children achieving their 50,000 and 100,000 word certificates.

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