Year 4 Parent Workshop

This week, Year 4 parents joined their children in a maths workshop! The activities all focussed around learning and practising our times tables.

First, the children used the Maths Frame multiplication tables check to practise the table of the week and the tables we have learnt this year.

The next activity was Hit the Button. This game is perfect for learning our times tables as it has both the questions and the answers to choose from. The children raced the clock to see how many they could answer correctly in 1 minute. The children also showed off the times tables speed on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Then, the children had 12 playing cards in front of them. They had to choose two to turn over and multiply these together. If the child got the answer right, they kept their cards and the child with the most cards at the end won!

After that, the children explored arrays using cubes. They made the times table calculation by counting the right amount of cubes and put them into rows (e.g. 5 x 2 would be 2 rows of 5 cubes). This is a wonderfully visual way of seeing and working out the times tables.

Next, the children were given blank multiplication squares. In one colour, they filled in all the answers they already knew. In another colour, they filled in all of the other answers using the times table sheets to help them. The children will repeat this activity at Christmas to see how much progress they have made!

Finally, the children played times tables bingo. They used a grid with 6 squares and wrote an answer from our table of the week in each square. Then, the bingo caller said a calculation from that times table and the children checked if they had that answer. If they did, they circled it. The winner was the first to circle all of their numbers and shout, “BINGO!”

We are all so grateful to the parents that could make it. The children loved having you in and enjoyed showing you some of the activities we do at school and that you could do at home too!

Article 19 – We all have the right to be looked after and kept safe.

Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.

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