Delicious biscuit making in D.T.

Year 5 have particularly enjoyed their biscuit making project in Design and Technology this half term. Firstly, we looked at food products that originate from South America and how they can be sourced sustainably. We also looked at the effects that can occur when products, such as palm oil from the Amazon Rainforest, are farmed with little consideration of the local environment. Following this, the children began to plan to make a biscuit with a flavour inspired by South America. To begin, each class undertook a taste test of products produced in this area. There was a mixed response to coffee and malt flavours and- unsurprisingly- chocolate was most popular! Next, the children planned their biscuit and chose which ingredient they wanted to add. The original recipe was for Argentinian Alfajores biscuits and children chose to add coffee, chocolate chips, lemon, mango or coconut to it. Finally, each class baked the biscuits and added dulce de leche, a milky caramel that’s a staple of South American cooking. The favourite part of the project was definitely the tasting- everyone loved eating the final product!


Article 31- We all have the right to take part in cultural and creative activities.




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