Today, has been a celebration of books across Harlow Green as children and staff alike have dressed as their favourite characters to celebrate the 25th World Book Day. World Book Days’ mission is to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own; all of the children will come home with a voucher, which they can exchange for a book.
Throughout the day, Nursery and Reception have focussed their work on Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes and the rest of the school have studied books by Saviour Pirotta – the author who visited school before half-term. As part of the reading celebration, children have worked with another class in school – sharing stories and discussing books. Year 6 were also lucky enough to be visited by another author – Alwyn Bathan – who shared the secrets of her ideas for a novel.
It has been lovely to see the enjoyment and the engagement of the children. Reading is of such importance in school and for learning – but the real aim is for all children to have a love of books and reading for pleasure. Thank you to all of the staff, children and parents/carers for making the day such an enjoyable success.