Gymnastics Fun!

This week, Year Two have been learning how to make different shapes with their bodies in Gymnastics. The children learned how to make shapes at different levels – on the floor, when sitting and when standing. Lots of the shapes the children learned were simple and straightforward to master, including the straight and star shapes. However, some were a little more difficult. When making a dish shape, the children had to lie on their back and lift their head, arms and legs off the floor. Similarly, when making an arch shape, they had to lie on their front and lift their arms and legs off the floor. This required a lot of strength making it tricky to hold the position for a long time.

Once the children had learned all of the shapes, they worked with a partner to link two shapes together. They had to make sure the shapes they chose could be performed at the same level (e.g. on the floor). Lots of children chose to begin in a dish shape and roll over to an arch. Some began in a pike shape and linked it to a straddle. Whereas, others performed a straight shape followed by a star.

Article 29 – We all have the right to develop our personalities, talents and abilities.

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