Anti-Bullying Week

This week at school it has been ‘Anti-bullying Week’ and in Nursery we have all enjoyed wearing odd socks! This prompted a discussion about  ‘how it is ok to be different, and nobody is the same.’  We read the story ‘Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly’, which is all about two best friends liking different things and they still were best friends! The children have enjoyed trying to pair socks together, find socks that have similar patterns and find socks that are odd.

Nursery have enjoyed talking about kindness, why we need to be kind to our friends, teachers, and family, and also how to be kind. The children have come up with lovely ideas on how to do this and have tried really hard to be extra kind this week. The discussion was supported by the story of ‘Rainbow Fish’, as in the story The Rainbow Fish learned that it was better to share his scales as it will allow other fish to want to play with him.

In our continuous provision, we have been exploring lots of patterns. The nursery children have enjoyed helping sort Miss Hamilton’s socks into patterns and colours and pegging them onto the washing line. We have been really good at recognising different patterns on them. In our loose parts areas, we have also made lots of different patterns with natural resources. We have even been on the hunt for patterns outside in the environment/Forest School.

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