Fantastic Gymnastics!

Reception have started their gymnastics PE sessions for this half term. The boys and girls are learning how to travel around the room in a safe way like a gymnast would in the Olympics. They started their learning by looking at different videos of British Olympic gymnasts to get an idea of what gymnastics was. They talked about what they had seen in the videos and what we need to do to keep ourselves safe when performing different gymnastics movements.

This week, we focused on practicing different types of jumps – star jump, straight jump, tuck jump and half-turn jump. They really enjoyed working at the different stations to complete each of he jump types.

Over the next few weeks they will continue to develop their gymnastic understanding, working towards creating a basic gymnastic floor routine.

Article 13 – We all have the right to share what we learn, think and feel with others.

Article 17 – We all have the right to be given safe and honest information, which is not harmful, and that we can understand. 

Article 29 – We all have the right to develop our own personalities, talents and abilities.


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