Where the Wild Things Are Book Launch

This term in Year 2, we are reading Where the Wild Things Are in English. We will be basing lots of our English lessons based on this story. At the beginning of the week, the children didn’t know what our text was going to be so we created masks of one of the characters. Based on their masks, lots of the children tried to predict what the story would be. Some thought it would be about a cat, others about an owl (and some even predicted it would be Where the Wild Things Are!). After that, the children saw small parts of the front cover, including a boat, huge beast-like feet, and horns! The children then had to write a prediction of what they thought the storyline would be based on these clues. We had some wonderful predictions which were fantastic to read (and some that would make a very interesting story book!). Then, the children created crowns as another clue for our story. Finally, we revealed our story was going to be Where the Wild Things were and listened to it carefully. The children used their masks and crowns to act out the story.

We are looking forward to using this story as inspiration this term and seeing the children’s fantastic writing!

Article 28 – We all have the right for a good quality education.

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