Amazing Acting!

This week, Year 4 have used a short film as a stimulus for our English work instead of a text or book. We have loved watching The Dragon Slayer which tells the story of a battle between a warrior and a dragon and has a most unexpected ending! To begin this block of English, we made predictions about the events using clues within the film. We then inferred how each character might feel at particular points using the events as prompts. This was more difficult than it may seem as there is no speech within the film. However, the children were able to confidently discuss the emotions of the Dragon Slayer and the dragon. Finally, we used our acting skills to show how each character was feeling through what we said; how we said it and our body language. This was then shared with the class. We certainly have some budding actors in Year 4!

Article 29- We all have the right to develop our talents and abilities.


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